sábado, 25 de julio de 2020

1994 - Yes Active CD-ROM

1994-11-22 - Yes Active CD-ROM

YES: Active! version 1.00
Compton's NewMedia 12/7/1994

Thank you for buying the Yes-Active CD/CD-ROM disk!
Before running Yes-Active, you must install a version of
QuickTime for Windows. Version 2.0 is located on this disk.

To install QuickTime 2.0 for Windows:
  1) Enter Windows

  2) Open your Program Manager

  3) Go to the CD-ROM drive

  4) Open directory QTW2_0

  5) Double-click on SETUP.EXE
     (this launches the QuickTime 2.0 Installer)

To install a Yes-Active group window:
  1) Enter Windows

  2) Open your Program Manager

  3) Go to the CD-ROM drive

  4) Double-click on SETUP.EXE
     (this launches the Yes-Active Installer)

The Yes-Active Installation program will install all the
Yes-Active files needed to run Yes-Active in your windows
directory. It will also setup a program group and icon.

The QuickTime 2.0 installation will make changes to your 
AUTOEXEC.BAT file so that QuickTime will be available every 
time you start your computer. QuickTime 2.0 should not affect 
the operation of any of your other software.

To run Yes-Active, double-click on the Yes icon in the 
Yes-Active group window or double-click on the YES.EXE from 
the root of the CD-ROM.

If you have problems, call Compton's NewMedia in Carlsbad,
CA. at 619-929-2626.

For maximum enjoyment, please listen in STEREO, and connect
some large speakers!

Also, experiment with running your video card in 65,000
colors (16 bit).

Thanks again for buying the Yes-Active CD/CD-ROM disk!

This file contains information that was not available at the
time the user's guide was printed, as well as other important
information to help you successfully use your product. If you
are uncertain how to make a recommended change, refer to the
user's guides that came with your computer system.

Pre-Installation Notes

1) Disk Compression:
   If you are using a disk compression utility, the
   available hard disk space reported by the installation
   program might not be accurate. Disk compression utilities
   can only estimate available hard disk space.  If the
   installation process is not successful, you might need
   to free additional hard disk space.

2) Network Installation:
   Your product does not support network use.

3) Installation Instructions:
   It is highly recommended that you exit all applications
   before installing your product. Other programs and drivers
   running on your computer could interfere with the
   installation process. Run SETUP.EXE from your file manager
   to install.


"Call to undefined dynalink" 
A previous version of Quicktime is present on your system. Run 
the OLDQTW.BAT batch file included on this disk to remove 
improperly installed components of Quicktime and then 
re-install the product.

"...is a shared file, please close all other applications" 
A previous version of Quicktime is present on your system. Run 
the OLDQTW.BAT batch file included on this disk to remove 
improperly installed components of Quicktime and then 
re-install the product.

Videos don't play, only a black viewing area present
A previous version of Quicktime may present on your system. Run 
the OLDQTW.BAT batch file included on this disk to remove 
improperly installed components of Quicktime and then 
re-install the product. If the videos still will not play, it 
is most probable that your video card and/or device drivers are 
not compatible qith Quicktime video. Try the following 

- Try setting your system to 640X480X256 colors using
          the recommended video driver for your system. See 
          your Windows Help or video card manual for instructions
          on how to accomplish this if you are not familliar 
          with the process.

- If you use Windows version 3.11 or Windows for 
          Workgroups, you have a Microsoft SVGA video driver 
          available that is often an effective replacement for
          the video driver causing problems.

- Contact your video card manufacturer for an updated 
          driver for your card. Many manufacturers are represented
          on CompuServe, America On-Line and various other on-line
          systems and post driver updates for customers to download

For detailed information regarding Quicktime version 2.00, see 
the information available under the QTW_20 directory on the 
CD-ROM by running README.EXE.

"General Protection Faults" and "Application Errors"
These types of errors are frequently due to video driver
incompatibility or incompatibilities with other drivers
in your system.  One of the following suggestions might
solve the problem:

   - Make sure your system meets the minimum requirements
     listed on the package.

   - Change the number of colors and/or resolution of
     your monitor, then start your product again. See 
     notes on video problems above.

   - Reinstall your sound card software, then re-install your

This product has been sucessfully tested with a wide variety of 
hardware and peripheral equipment. Microsoft Windows(tm) is a 
device-independent operating system. Your product is not 
designed for compatibility with any specific hardware item in 
preference to any other. Problems with sound cards, video 
displays and printers are most often the result of problems in 
the device drivers supplied by the manufacturers.

"Disk Full" Errors
If you encounter these errors while installing or using your
product, try deleting files to increase space on your hard disk

"Read Errors" and long delays:
Defective CD-ROM discs are very rare. Make sure your disc
is clean and free of scratches and fingerprints if you are
experiencing problems like "Can't Read from Drive" or long

GDI Read Errors and Virtual Memory:
If you should receive a "GDI Read Error" in Windows(tm) this
indicates that you are experiencing a low memory condition. Try
exiting any programs running in background. Performance will be
improved by increasing the virtual memory setting to the
maximum recommended size (at least 10 MB) and setting the type
to permanent. Larger virtual memory settings can be made if 
your hard disk is defragmented first.

Slow Response:
In addition to the above steps, we recommend that users who are
running SMARTDRIVE from DOS versions 6.0 and later set the
cache size for Windows(tm) at 512K bytes or smaller. In
addition, we recommend that you use the /X switch to disable
write-back caching, as this can interfere with smooth data
transfer from your CD-ROM drive. We also recommend you disable
CD-ROM caching by using the /U switch. Please see your DOS
manual or on-line help for detailed instructions on how to do
this (type HELP SMARTDRV at the DOS prompt).

Also, we advise setting the MSCDEX "/M:" parameter to /M:20. 
This file is loaded in your AUTOEXEC.BAT and changing the value 
increases available buffering for the CD-ROM.



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